Monday, October 13, 2008


So last week, I had the scariest dream of my life. I'm pretty sure the rest of you arn't going to think it's really all that scary, but it scared the living daylights out of me!! 
So I was in carpool on the way home from school and Disturbia by Rihanna was playing on the radio. I got out and opened the garage and walked in the house. It was really dark and there were cobwebs and everything just felt wrong. So I walked up to the kitchen and pulled out my phone. Now it was a Wednesday, our busiest day, and me and my sister have violin right after school, so my mom should have been home. I dialed her number and waited while it rang... and rang... and rang..."We're sorry..." the familiar voice of the message machine said. I tried again. Still no answer. I looked around and our house totally looked haunted. I raced upstairs and turned on every light on the second floor. Now I don't know why I didn't do that before...but, you know, it's a dream. I ran into my room, locked the door, and jumped into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. Just then, my phone rang. It was my dad. "Your mom should be home by now, I don't know where she would be..." he said. "Will you come home? I'm locked in my room under my covers scared to death." I had replied. "Well..." he hesitated. "Please!? I locked myself in my room!" I pleaded. "Well o..." and then, all I heard was the dial tone. 
I then proceeded to wake up and realized I was in the same position I was in in my dream, except the door was open. I tried desperately to get back to sleep, but Disturbia was STILL stuck in my head. I finally fell asleep after about an hour and turning on the lights in my room. Now I'm pretty sure, almost positive that this will not sound scary to anyone else... but it was the scariest thing ever for me... and, the next day when I got home from car pool, my mom wasn't home, I turned on the radio, and what song just happened to be playing?! Disturbia! Again!

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